Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Seth Godin, Jesus, Nelson Mandela and Walter White walk into a bar

I've been reading and listening to a lot of Seth Godin lately. His worldview strikes me as wholly true. Had he recorded his Startup School podcast 2 years earlier, I probably never would have gone to business school. Pretty much everything you need to know about business is right there. Except for the parts about how you are a slave to shareholders and should drive profits at all costs, you gotta go to business school to learn about that.

The last few days I have been listening to the audiobook of Icarus Deception on my walks and in my car. I think it's an incredibly important book and should be read (listened to) by every parent and every high school student, every college dropout and valedictorian, every fast food worker and Fortune 500 CEO. Everyone should read it except those who aren't interested in understanding the mythology that dominates your life and our society.

Godin talks about ancient mythology as deconstructed by Joseph Campbell. The ancient myths are more about us than they are about gods. They represent what it means to be a human at our very best (and worst). Our modern myths are about conformity and obedience. They routinely show us how things go terribly wrong for those who defy the system and the comforts of the industrial economy. They are full of cautionary examples about those who dare to think differently

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